How to Make a Deposit on Binance exchange
1. Login to Binance or Create a new account Click Here

2. Click on deposit then search for BNB
3. after searching, click on it and select crypto network. Go for bnb smart chain

4. The wallet address will pop-up. Copy it then go to your trust wallet to send the amount of bnb you wish to deposit on binance
How to Transfer Your Crypto Coins From Trust Wallet to Binance or Any Other Wallet
5. Let me walk you through the process of making a withdrawal from trust wallet to binance after you have copied your binance wallet address
How to Send BNB from Trust wallet to Binance exchange
I assume you have already copied your address binance.
- Open your trust wallet
- Click on send
- Click on paste
- Enter BNB/USD amount
- Click on continue then approve the transfer.
That’s all. At this point, you will need to wait for like 2-5mins for it to reflect on binance exchange.
How To Sell Your BNB Coins to Naira on Binance P2P
Once you have successfully deposited your bnb from trust wallet binance;
6. Click on wallets then, select funding at the top screen of your phone
7. Click on transfer to transfer your bnb from spot wallet to funding. Click on max then click on confirm transfer. The funds will now reflect in your funding.

8. Click P2P
9. Click on Sell

10. Select BNB then search for the the person wanting to buy the amount of bnb you wish to sell. You can use filters as a tool to search as well.
11. Once you get a buyer, click on sell, enter the bnb amount and click on max. Then confirm sell.
12. At this point, it will take you to the sell page where you will need to wait for the buyer to pay you. Wait patiently for your payment.
13. Once the buyer click on paid. You need to login into your bank app to confirm whether the money has landed or not.
14. Once you receive the payment, go back to binance p2p page to release the buyer crypto. Click on payment received
15. Enter your authentication code from sms or email for the deal to be successful.
That’s all.
Congratulations for selling your crypto into cash. I’m so proud of you.
Let’s go straight to the moon.
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