How to Invest In Stable60 Web3.0

To start participating in Stable60 you should finish a few steps:

Contact me on whatsapp/call +2349036328580

♦ Install a Crypto Wallet

We recommend that you use Metamask since it is a simple and popular option. Follow the link and install this extension for your browser. Click the Metamask icon to start the app. Create a new account and make sure to save your seed-phrase of 12 words. Do not tell this phrase to anyone because it gives the full control over your wallet


♦ Switch to Binance Smart Chain

First of all, you should switch your wallet to Binance Smart Chain
♦ Enable token autodetection
Navigate to Settings -> Security&Privacy -> Autodetect tokens and set this option to “ON”

Add funds to your Metamask wallet

You can use Metamask “Buy” button to purchase BNB directly from Metamask exchange
You also can use your favourite exchange (i.e. Binance) to transfer some BNB directly to your Metamask. To do this, copy your Metamask address by clicking it at the top of Metamask main screen and transfer BNB from Binance to this address. Make sure to choose the right Network: Binance Smart Chain (also known as BSC or BEP20)
When your BNB appears in the Metamask “Assets” list, swap it to USDT. Important: do not swap all the BNB you have, you need to leave ~0.01 BNB to pay the gas fees later, otherwise you won’t be able to sign transactions!
Eventually you should see both currencies, BNB and USDT, in your “Assets” list
♦ Visit our Website by using my link if you dont have any upline who introduced you into this business and make a Deposit.
After making your first Deposit you automatically become a TrueFund user. Our smart contract will do all the work for you: it will calculate your Daily Reward and accumulate your earnings accurately and in time. All you have to do now is claim your Rewards and enjoy the profits!
If you have any doubts or need help, please feel free to join our Telegram Group. We provide tech support 24/7 and will answer all your questions!.

My Slugan: In dreams we chase and in success we embrace.


Contact me on whatsapp/call +2349036328580

Please use my Link if you don’t have any upline who first introduced you into this amazing business.

Much love, Stable60 Family 💖🌟


To better understand stable60, please click below to readmore

STABLE60 Review😏: Revolutionizing Passive Income In DeFi?

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